Best premium brand car buys at the BBT showroom In Gurugram (Part-3)
With the high growth in India’s economy, the demand for luxury items has also shown a huge jump. Among several such high-priced goods, the one that has grown phenomenally is the sale of premium cars. And even in the sale of premium cars the one segment that has shown the maximum growth is the second hand car market for premium cars. Among many premium cars sold in the second hand car market, the demand for used Mercedes cars is the highest . We have tried to piece together the reason for such a high demand for cars of this brand here. 1). While India’s middle class is growing rapidly a vast segment of them are still not in the price bracket where they can buy a high priced car. To get over this difficulty of a limited budget, the second hand car market has opened a big door for them to enjoy riding on a premium car at a greatly discounted price. Additionally, with times, the shame attached to buying a second-hand car has also lessened to a great degree and people are now mor...